Scroll down for local aid programs for small businesses
We have looked into Local Government programs of the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and local counties that have been set up to complement Federal Government Programs.
But first, let’s see how we can sustain ourselves!
French restaurants open for business

From Crèpes to Escargots…
We are French or Francophile and Food is our passion, we live for it, we share it, and we rise to the challenge…
From our area chefs to your table, here is a list of the French restaurants and partners of the Comité Tricolore that continue to bring us the best and most comforting food.
For Updates go to our Covid-19 pages
- Where to find great meals during COVID-19
- Informations et Entraide Covid-19 (in French)
Local Government Programs to help small businesses
Washington, DC

On April 29, Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) announced more than $8 million in additional support for the DC Small Business Recovery Microgrants Program. Award notifications have begun and will continue through May 8, 2020. See:

Arlington County has a special Arlington Small Business Emergency GRANT (Giving Resiliency Assets Near Term) Program that will offer competitive grants of up to $10K to Arlington companies that have been directly affected by COVID-19.
For a complete list of the programs go to:

The Fairfax County Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Fund will provide eligible businesses up to $20,000 at 0% interest that can be used for critical operating expenses to offset some of the impact of the shutdown.
It will assist businesses in identifying optimal federal or local programs where additional relief may be available. Applications are accepted since April 28.
The Local Production Fund will provide small and medium-sized manufacturers/producers with the working capital necessary to make and provide COVID-related items, such as face shields, medical supplies and other items deemed to be essential.
Many Maryland funding programs are now closed, others are still listed such as:
- The Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) is requesting heritage tourism nonprofits to apply for emergency operating matching grants of up to $20,000.
- The Maryland Agricultural Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation (MARBIDCO) has launched the Pandemic Adjustment Loan Fund Program to help Maryland’s food and fiber producers, harvesters, and primary processors adjust to business disruptions.
- The Maryland Business Relief Wizard is a tool that can help Maryland businesses quickly identify the state and federal relief resources they may be eligible to receive.
The Comité Tricolore Restaurant and Food Industry Forum Update
(Forum d’aide aux restaurateurs et métiers de bouche)
The Forum’s Google Group platform has been extremely active. It is set up to help restaurants and small businesses in the food industry take an inventory of needs during and after this crisis through the exchange of information and ideas. You will find some great articles and information in English too. Please join:!forum/le-reseau-des-metiers-de-bouche; or contact Hugues Cossard at:
We make a difference thanks to you
We received a message of gratitude from someone who says that our help is the best thing that has happened in a long time.
As you may imagine, it is not easy for us to ask for your support, but such messages make it all worthwhile and you are the ones who make it happen.
We thank you for helping us, help others!
Our Agenda of Virtual Events is online
As you can see, we are slowly getting back to a form of normalcy, inasmuch as our Agenda is back...being increasingly populated with virtual meetings and fun events.
Invite others to join the Comité Tricolore
We all have friends who have heard of us but never found the time to learn who we are and what we are doing.
So why not connect them to us by forwarding this newsletter. Or tell them to check us out at:
This way when things get back to normal they will have a chance to join us in the many activities and exciting events that will start up again....hopefully soon!