Our Members

The Académie Culinaire de France is present in each and all continents and is 1080 members strong. The American delegation is represented by more than 100 pastry and kitchen chefs.


The Universal Union for the Progress of the Culinary Arts was founded in 1879 by Joseph Favre, and 80 chapters were formed around the world. The Paris chapter took on the name “Académie de Cuisine” on May 26 1883.

L’Académie Culinaire de France and its sister organization Les Maîtres Cuisiniers de France are eager to carry on the great tradition of culinary excellence and science. They also work with suppliers and farmers to improve the quality of foods for the grand pleasure of their clients and supporters.

Contact for the Comité Tricolore: Jean-Claude Plihon- [Jean-claude.plihon@hyatt.com]

President: Jean-Louis Gerin