
Cello Recital with Julie Sevilla-Fraysse

Monday 9 May 2022 from 19:30 to 21:30

Villa Albertine hosts Cellist Julie Sevilla-Fraysse on May 9 at La Maison Française.
For all events, registration is free; however, a donation of $10.00 is appreciated in order to keep events like these free in the future.


  • - Capricci 1/5/6/3, Joseph Marie Dall’Abaco
  • - Celtic passage, David Eby- Irish Bach : Suite n°1, J.S Bach and Irish theme
  • - Le chant des Oiseaux, P.Casals
    - Suite per violoncello solo, G.Cassadò: preludio fantasia & intermezzo e danza finale

register here: