

Friday 16 April 2021 from 12:30 to 14:30

Le JNC vous offre une occasion de vous entrainer à l’entretien d’embauche en anglais et de bénéficier du retour de Beata Casagrande. Vous serez invité(e)s à répondre à une ou deux questions ’classiques’ d’entretien d’embauche auxquelles vous devrez répondre en 30 secondes à 2 minutes maximum. Nous vous enverrons une liste de questions à l’avance et vous pourrez décider le 16 avril de sélectionner vous-même une question ou de nous laisser la tirer au sort. Vous pourrez ainsi bénéficier des impressions, commentaires et suggestions des participants, le tout dans le respect des valeurs du club : l’écoute bienveillante, la confidentialité, le respect et l’entraide.
Our speaker
Beata Casagrande has 7+ years of professional experience in Corporate Recruiting and HR Management. She graduated with master’s degrees in both International Business and Multinational HR Management in Paris. After graduation, Beata worked in the HR/Talent Management departments at Airbus, Faurecia and Primark. Her last role in France was at Hays in Nantes, where she oversaw recruiting activities for major industry/engineering clients.
Beata relocated to the Washington DC region in September 2017. Since then, she joined Nestle USA where she worked for the last 3 years as a Recruiter/Talent Sourcing Specialist. In August 2020, Beata was promoted to a new role as a Recruiting Events Project Manager. She is currently in charge of building a global recruiting event strategy for Nestle across the USA that will help deliver top diverse talent to the business before they know they need it. She loves foreign languages and exchanging about topics such as cultural differences, talent management, international mobility and expatriation.