
Stories of the Plains- Documentary and Panel Discussion

Thursday 22 April 2021 from 12:00 to 14:00

An edifying documentary on the agricultural sector and its contemporary issues.

Directed by Christine Seghezzi
2016 | France | 72 min
In Spanish with English subtitles.

Available until May 9 on:

In the Argentinean pampa, the land around Colonia Hansen are among the most fertile in the world. For a long time, millions of cows lived on them in the open air. It was said that the best beef was Argentinean. Now, vast fields of organically modified soy have taken the place of the livestock and cover the plains until the horizon.

In addition to watching the documentary, we invite you to participate to the panel discussion Toward a Sustainable Agricultural Sector, organized by the French Embassy for Earth Day on April 22th.